We hold a number of regular meetings throughout the week - these are detailed on the When we meet page.
Before lockdown we held services in Residential and Nursing Homes in the Exeter area. A few services were conducted on Sundays, but most were held during the week. The ministry at such services is adapted to suit the needs of those in the Homes, but generally will consist of a short message from the Bible, and the singing of hymns/choruses where all present are encouraged to participate. We will be pleased to resume and expand this ministry on hearing from interested parties.
We offer help to local schools with their assemblies and RE lessons. Contact from new schools is always welcome.
We believe that every local church has a responsibility to seek to witness to all those who live in the vicinity of the church. To this end we distribute Christian literature to homes in the area surrounding the Church and, before lockdown, on Saturday mornings once a month in the open air locally. We hope to resume this Saturday outreach as soon as is practical.